#TheseSoliloquies – Prologue
Photo by: Sydney Prather
I’m so excited to share with you the kickoff to my year-long photo project–entitled: These Soliloquies.
A portrait series with four acts, numerous scenes, and an on going casting call for various characters to fill the bill.
The idea to do photo project like this, was taken from my ever-so-talented and amazing friend, Sydney Prather and her kickass #BlindLocation portrait series. It was incredible to see the challenge, growth, people, and honestly, just the ‘awe’ of it all. It was so madly inspiring. To see it and to be a part of it was so much fun–I just had to do it too. Because I want to challenge myself. I want something to keep me on my toes. I want to grow as a photographer, connect with people more, actually write about my shoots, and capture more (outside of swimming for a change haha). And I want to get goofy, try new techniques, study, collaborate, make a fool of myself, and get to know people in a new way.
So, yes, it means that I’m doing a portrait photo session with someone once a week, every week for the whole year. If you’re interested in being my model for one, please let me know! The script of this whole thing isn’t final yet. Some pieces behind the curtain are still a bit open for some edits, but for the most part–that’s the rundown. Clearly, my love for theater and playwriting is the inspiration for the title and structure of this project. I wanted to play with Shakespeare’s famous 'men and women are merely players’, express narratives and the sharing of thoughts and feelings to give the illusion of unspoken reflections.
Because, if in fact, all the world’s a stage. Then this is a play. So let’s play.
Stay tuned for Act 1, Scene 1! It’s coming in hot!
🤘- Bex